Good Question!

The questioner had no idea! We were anticipating together Mississippi’s biggest lawn party scheduled for this Saturday, August 19. I mentioned that I had attended all eight of them except last year when I had Covid, even the ones during the pandemic that became virtual. She asked, “When you went to the first one, did you have any idea that you would ever be a panelist?”

Star Crossed

Star Crossed, by Heather Dune Macadam & Simon Worrall is a true and well-researched book, using personal letters and writings, documentary evidence, and long personal interviews with the subject’s sister Michelle. The book starts almost frivolously with a mixture of Romeo and Juliet, combined with a soap opera, mingled with a bohemian art group in Paris in 1941.


“Avoid clichés like the plague.” I don’t remember when I first heard this writing advice, which you might notice is also a cliché. It goes so far back in my memory, I’m guessing it was from a high school English teacher. I had a couple of really good ones. Either Mrs. Bounds or Mrs. Olsen might have been the ones who impressed me with the saying early on.