You Come, Too

I borrow a phrase from Robert Frost today to issue an invitation.

I’m going back to a favorite place

Friday morning this coming week

Words at hand and ready to speak

Won’t take too long. – You come, too.

I’m going to the Peck house

For book signing and special treats

One book’s story and delicious eats

Won’t take too long. – You come, too.

The invitation is for a celebration at 10:30 on July 28th at the Peck House on the western edge of the University of Southern Mississippi campus. When I began this journey that has culminated in Becoming Ezra Jack Keats, one of the first places to allow me to share his story was at a lunchtime gathering at OLLI. Now we are gathering to commemorate our arrival at the destination.

For those not familiar with the organization, Osher Lifelong Learning Institute fosters learning for mature audiences with a suggested age of 50 or above. A wide range of topics are taught by university professors, professionals in various fields, and avid hobbyists. Members just pick the topics they want to learn about, pay a small fee, and show up at the appointed time and place. There are no tests or homework. Similar groups meet at other universities around the country.

I can attest that an added benefit, besides the fun learning, is the formation of friendships. OLLI friends were there in that first class when I began this journey and have offered encouragement and support along the way. For me, this celebration feels like coming home to share with family.

The event will have good eats, followed by a book talk about Becoming Ezra Jack Keats and how it came to be, and book sales by the campus Barnes and Noble. It is sponsored by OLLI with an open invitation to the community of “You come, too.” Or as we might say in Mississippi, “Y’all come!”
