Bucket List Checkmark

Bucket lists of various lengths have gotten a lot of hype since the movie back in 2007. My very short bucket list contained important items. My husband Al and I completed the first item of visiting all fifty states several years ago. Yesterday was a big day as proof came early and late that an even more important item could get that marvelous checkmark. The item looming big on my list was “my name on the cover of a book.”

Early in the day, I got an email that read, “I hope this message finds you well. I am writing as executive assistant at University Press of Mississippi, and I am pleased to share that copies of Becoming Ezra Jack Keats have just arrived in our warehouse!” Additional emails during the day confirmed that it will be available for my favorite event each year – the Kaigler Children’s Book Festival (https://www.usm.edu/childrens-book-festival/index.php) and support kicked in from marketing and influencers with the festival to be sure it is in their bookstore for signings.   

Last night we drove in about 8 PM to find a UPS package at the door from University Press of Mississippi. Their spring/summer catalog was inside, and there on page 7 was a picture of Becoming Ezra Jack Keats with my name on the cover in a beautiful font. (To be completely honest, any font would probably have looked beautiful to me, but this one is perfect.)

I am a bit giddy at the point, but I ask my faithful readers to join me in celebrating even as I wish you checkmarks for all of your bucket list items.