These are some of the few that bloomed.Blog Plan A called for gloating over Longfellow who had to wander lonely as a cloud to find his host of golden daffodils. It included showing a picture of the mass of daffodils that I can see right outside my door arcing the southwest corner of my yard every year.
I knew my plan was in trouble when a friend who watches for them on her route each spring asked, “Where are the daffodils?” The plants sport healthy green leaves, but only one segment bloomed this spring. Those were not the ones she could see as she passed.
You see, we missed winter here. I think the daffodils are saying, “Look, without my nap, I am not blooming!” Other strange phemonema that I’ve noticed this year include dogwood and Bradford pears that are putting out leaves before the flowers are finished instead of waiting for their turn. Right here in mid-March, my daylilies have started blooming and purple spiderwort wildflowers blossom by the road. Even the fauna are out early with yellow sulfur butterflies flitting around and yesterday’s little black snake greeting me in my flower bed. We missed winter. Now it appears we shall miss spring as well.
So what happens to Blog Plan A? I’m switching poets. Mama introduced me to Longfellow’s daffodils in her poetry read-alouds. She also introduced me to the “Immortal Robbie Burns.” In my first memory, I just loved the sound of his Scottish words without having much sense of their meaning.
“The best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men
Gang aft agley,
An’ lea’e us naught but grief an’ pain,
For promised joy!”
Life has given me understanding and a lot of experience in plans gone astray and in moving to Blog Plan B. So Longfellow can gloat as he wins this round. Blog Plan B is to enjoy the day lilies.