Things I Love About Fall

James Whitcomb Riley wrote his love for fall in his poem “When the Frost Is on the Punkin.” He concluded that fall is the best time of year to take in angels for boarding. I share his preference. These are some of the things I love about the season:

•    The view of my across-the-street neighbor’s tree out my office window [see opening picture]
•    College football [which is even better if Ole Miss and Baylor are winning – This year half is better than none.]
•    Baked sweet potatoes
•    Cool, crisp  temperatures
•    Sweet potato pie
•    The first fire in the fireplace
•    Communities of butterflies visiting my fall flowersButterflies have trouble with the "stand still" command, but I finally got this one.
•    Candied sweet potatoes
•    Acorns pinging on the tin roof of my husband’s workshop
•    Asters and chrysantheums
•    Sweet potato casserole
•    Raking leaves and pine straw [really!]
•    Turkey and dressing; chicken and dressing; dressing and cranberry sauce; leftover dressing…

passalong chrysanthemums from my mother and asters from sister GwynSouth Mississippi isn’t quite like Riley’s Indiana. Frost comes late in the season, and I expect his turkey would have stuffing rather than dressing. We see more sweet potatoes than “punkins” and there’s not a lot of fodder in the shock. Still, if angels want to come for vacation, I can’t think of a better time.